09 Jan Welcome to BY DESIGN
I am human.
I am on a journey to discovering how people’s heritage, tradition and culture influence the way they problem solve, through the process of genuinely listening and learning from other peoples stories.
I believe that if we practice living life by simply being good to one another, we would live a happy and prosperous life. I believe that the smallest acts of kindness make a world of a difference to the people receiving them. I also, truly believe that we have to embrace others and in turn they’ll do the same for us.
The BY DESIGN project is my way of spreading goodness into the world. I want you to help me create a positive, safe and empowering space for people to feel at home in. This project is about helping you discover yourself. It’s about helping you realize that being different is what makes you interesting and exciting. It’s about learning to embrace each other in order for us to be able to embrace ourselves. And it’s about taking care of others before they could take care of us.
BY DESIGN is for the lover of people, the passionate, and the strong at heart. I want to shine a light on the good in you and get to know you for who you are. No one but you has experienced your life. This is a place for you to tell your story and have people truly listen. It’s a place for you to meet good people who will help you discover your true self and empower you. It’s the journey of truth that we’ll be taking together.
Subscribe to BY DESIGN and join me on this amazing journey. I’ll be hosting weekly live interviews with culturally diverse creatives. We’ll be learning about their heritage, traditions and culture, and how it influences the way they problem solve. We will empower them by genuinely listening to their unique stories. And we will provide them with a positive space for them to feel safe to share their experiences with us. We will accept their true selves and allow them to Embrace Their Weird.
Once you subscribe to BY DESIGN you will be getting weekly newsletters from me. I’ll be introducing our guest each week and providing you with the unique link of the live show. In the newsletter I’ll also be sharing my personal stories and experiences growing up as a Palestinian – Jordanian – American who lived most of her life in the Middle East and is now living in the U.S. I will be sharing the lessons I’ve learned and why I choose to spread goodness every day.
Finally, subscribing to BY DESIGN will give you exclusive access to the BY DESIGN podcast. Where I will summarize the essence of the stories we listened to in the live shows. This series will contain all of the valuable lessons we learned along the way. It will celebrate our differences and highlight our similarities.
Your weird is what makes you special, so embrace it. We are on this journey together, and I can’t wait to get to know you!
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